Tree Quiz for Kids
Posted on 25th March 2020 at 20:42
Whilst we are all on lockdown, we are all looking for activites that are both educational and fun for our kids to do. So, we decided to create a little quiz for children of all ages. We will be posting regular activities here for you to do at home, or on whilst out on a walk. We hope we can help in a small way to keep kids learning about trees and nature through out this unusual time. Sending lots of hope and strength to you all.
Question 1:
What season do trees leaves turn from Green to Orange/Red?
1. Spring
2. Summer
3. Autumn
4. Winter
Question 2:
Which of the following fruit grows on a tree?
1. Blueberry
2. Grape
3. Melon
4. Orange
Question 3:
What special day do we celebrate by decorating a tree?
1. Birthday
2. Christmas
3. Easter
4. Halloween
Question 4:
What animal lives in a tree?
1. Cat
2. Squirrel
3. Dog
4. Guinea Pig
Question 5:
Trees help us humans in many ways, but which of the following is FALSE?
1. We use trees to phone each other
2. We use trees to breath
3. We use trees for food
4. We use trees for medicine
Question 6:
Roughly how many trees are there on Earth?
Question 7:
What part of the tree grows under the ground?
1. Leaves
2. Trunk
3. Fruit
4. Roots
Question 8:
What is the wood on the outside of the trunk known as?
1. Peel
2. Skin
3. Bark
4. Shell
Question 9:
What do trees remove from the atmosphere?
1. Carbon Dioxide
2. Oxygen
3. Light
4. Dust
Question 10:
What are trees called that keep their green leaves all year round?
1. Alwaysgreen
2. Evergreen
3. Greenalways
4. Greenforever
Question 11:
If you cut a slice out of a tree, you can see rings, what do these rings tell us?
1. How many seeds its produced
2. How tall it is
3. How old it is
4. How many times it's rained
Question 12:
Which of the following trees produce Conkers?
1. Chestnut
2. Oak
3. Birch
4. Pine
Q1 = 3
Q2 = 4
Q3 = 2
Q4 = 2
Q5 = 1
Q6 = 4
Q7 = 4
Q8 = 3
Q9 = 1
Q10 = 2
Q11 = 3
Q12 = 1
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